ಈ ಪೂರ್ವನಾಮವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಪುಟಗಳು
- u-boat
- uamuzi
- ubiquitious
- ubiquitous
- ubongo
- ubój
- uccello
- uchafu
- ucho
- uchovu
- udder
- udhalili
- udongo
- uenviousness,
- ugao
- ugliness
- ugly
- ugn
- uhaw
- uhkaus
- uho
- ui
- uisce
- uitare
- ujj
- ujë
- ukkonen
- uks
- ulan
- ulcer
- ulcerate
- ulimi
- ulinzi
- ulje
- ull
- ulo
- ulterior
- ulterior motive
- ultima
- ultimate
- ultimatum
- ultimo
- ultra
- ultra vires
- ultramarine
- ultrasonic
- ultraviolet
- umber
- umbilical cord
- umbrage
- umbral
- umbrella
- umenie
- umetnost
- umjetnost
- umor
- umpire
- umpteen
- umăr
- umění
- unabated
- unable
- unabridged
- unacceptable
- unaccompanied
- unaccomplished
- unaccountable
- unaccustomed
- unacquainted
- unadulterated
- unadvised
- unaffected
- unagitated
- unaided
- unalienable
- unalterable
- unambiguous
- unanimity
- unanimous
- unanimous approval
- unanimous consent
- unanswerable
- unapproachable
- unapproved
- unarchive
- unarmed
- unascertained
- unassailable
- unassuming
- unattached
- unattended
- unattested
- unauthorised
- unauthorised absence
- unavailable
- unavailing
- unavoidable
- unaware
- unawares
- unazë
- unbailable
- unbalanced
- unbalanced diet
- unbearable
- unbeatable
- unbecoming
- unbelief
- unbelievable
- unbend
- unbending
- unbiased
- unbidden
- unblushing
- unborn
- unbosom
- unbounded
- unbridled
- unbroken
- unburden
- uncalled-for
- uncalled for
- uncanny
- uncared-for
- unceasing efforts
- unceremonious
- uncertain
- unchallenged
- unchangeable
- uncharitable
- uncharted
- unchartered
- unchecked
- unchivalrous
- uncivil
- uncivilized
- unclaimed
- uncle
- unclean
- uncleanness
- uncoil
- uncomely
- uncomfortable
- uncommendable
- uncommitted
- uncommon
- uncomplaining
- uncomplimentary
- uncompromising
- unconcealed
- unconcerned
- unconditional
- unconditional surrender
- unconfirmed
- unconfirmed report
- unconnected
- unconquerable
- unconscionable
- unconscious
- unconsciousness
- unconsecrated
- unconsidered
- unconstitutional
- unconstrained
- uncontested
- uncontested election
- uncontradicted
- uncontrollable
- uncontrolled
- unconventional
- unconversant
- uncooperative
- uncorroborated
- uncouth
- uncover
- uncovered flat terrace
- unction
- unctous
- unctuousness
- uncultivated
- uncut
- undaunted
- undecided
- undefended
- undeniable
- undenominational
- under
- under a cloud
- under a curse
- under current
- under duress
- under lock and key
- under notice
- under penalty of
- under protest
- under somebody's thumb
- under the aegies of
- under the auspices of
- under the circumstances
- under the counter
- under the sun
- underage
- undercharge
- undercoat
- undercover
- undercurrent
- underdeveloped
- underdeveloped countries
- underdog
- underdone
- underemployed
- underemployment
- underestimate
- undergo
- undergraduate
- underground
- underground drainage
- underhand
- underhand methods
- underhanded
- underlie
- underline
- undermentioned
- undermine
- underpass
- underprivileged
- underrate
- underscore
- undersell
- underside
- understand
- understand fully
- understand something
- understanding
- understate
- understatement
- understudy
- undersupply
- undertake
- undertake work
- undertaker
- undertaking
- underwater
- underwear
- underweight
- underworld
- undeserved
- undeserving
- undesirable
- undignified
- undiscriminating
- undisguised
- undismayed
- undistinguished
- undivided family
- undo
- undoing
- undoubted
- undreamed-of
- undress
- undue
- undulate
- unduly
- undying
- unearned
- unearned income
- unearth
- unearthly
- uneasiness
- uneasy
- uneconomic
- unedited
- uneducated
- unemployed
- unemployment
- unendorsed
- unenviable
- unequal
- unequalled
- unequivocal
- unerring
- uneven
- uneventful
- unexceptionable
- unexpected
- unexpectedly
- unfair
- unfaithful
- unfaithful wife
- unfamiliar
- unfasten
- unfathomable
- unfavourable
- unfeigned
- unfettered
- unfinished
- unfit person
- unfitness
- unflagging
- unflappable
- unflattering
- unflinching
- unfold
- unforeseen
- unforgettable
- unfortunate
- unfounded
- unfrequented
- unfriendly
- unfurl
- ungainly
- unggoy
- unglazed
- ungovernable
- ungracious
- ungrateful
- unguarded
- unguent
- unhappy
- unhappy face
- unhealthy
- unhealthy atmosphere
- unheard
- unheard-of
- unheeded
- unhelpful
- unhesitatingness
- unhindered
- unhinge
- unhook
- unhusk
- uni-direction
- unicameral
- unicorn
- unidentified
- unification
- unified
- uniform
- uniform price
- uniform treatment
- uniformity
- unify
- unilateral
- unilateral disarmament
- unimpeachable
- unimportant word