ಈ ಪೂರ್ವನಾಮವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಪುಟಗಳು
- saasta
- sab
- sabakaka
- sabata
- sabbia
- sabbing cutter
- saber
- sabie
- sable
- sablo
- sabot
- sabotage
- saboteur
- sabre
- sabre fish
- sac
- sac fungi
- sac tube
- saccate
- saccharification
- saccharify
- saccharine
- saccharometer
- sacciform
- saccule
- sacerdotal
- sacerdotalism
- sachet
- sack
- sack cloth
- sacking spout
- sacrament
- sacramental marriage
- sacred
- sacred aswath
- sacred basil
- sacred beetle
- sacred grove
- sacrifice
- sacrifice flame
- sacrificed lamb
- sacrilege
- sacrosanct
- sad
- sad end
- sad ending
- sadden
- sade
- sadist
- sadness
- safari
- safe
- safe deposit
- safe edge
- safe minimum standard
- safeguard
- safety
- safety goggle
- safety lamp
- safety razor
- safety shoe
- saffron
- safictuary
- sag
- sag line
- saga
- sagacious
- sage
- sago
- sagutin
- sahafa
- saikatra
- sail
- sailing ship
- sailor
- saint
- sainthood
- sajak
- sakal
- sake
- sakong
- saks
- sakset
- sal
- salacious
- salad
- salady
- salaka
- salama
- salamin
- salann
- salaried class
- salaried office
- salary
- salasala
- salazana
- salcâm
- sale
- sale by sample
- sale deed
- sale price
- sale proceeds
- saleable
- sales tax
- salesman
- salesmanship
- saleswoman
- saleté
- salg
- salient
- salient features
- salient points
- salination
- saline
- saline earth
- saline giant
- saline land
- saline soil
- salineness
- salinity
- salinization
- salita
- saliva
- sallow
- sally
- salmenta
- salo
- salohy
- salon
- saloon
- salt
- salt-maker
- salt balance
- salt dome
- salt duty
- salt fish
- salt lake
- salt land
- salt pan
- salt peter
- salt pit
- salt produced by evaporation
- salt soup
- salt water
- salted mud
- salted water
- saltish
- saltish earth
- saltishness
- saltpetre
- salubrious
- salutary
- salutation
- salute
- salvage
- salvation
- salve
- salver
- salvo
- samaritan
- samazināšana
- same
- same age
- same strength
- samec
- sameness
- samilost
- samoina
- sampah
- sampana
- sample
- sana
- sanaa
- sanad
- sanat
- sanatorium
- sanctified fire used at funeral
- sanctify
- sanctimonious
- sanction
- sanctioned
- sanctity
- sanctity of human life
- sanctuary
- sanctum
- sanctum sanctorum
- sand
- sand-dune
- sand bar
- sand casting
- sand core
- sand drift
- sand mining
- sand wave
- sandal
- sandal wood
- sandalwood tree
- sandalye
- sanddune
- sandglass
- sandiness
- sandoka
- sandpaper
- sandstone
- sandstorm
- sandwich
- sane
- sangay
- sangisangy
- sangkar
- sanguinary
- sanguine
- sanitary
- sanitary board
- sanitary landfill
- sanitary sewer
- sanitation
- sanity
- santa claus
- saoka
- saonjo
- saotra
- sap
- sapato
- sapatos
- sapi
- saplad
- sapless
- saplessness
- sapling
- sapphire
- saprobe
- sapropel
- saprophage
- saprophyte
- saprotroph
- saprovore
- sapwood
- saqqal
- saray
- sarcasm
- sarcastic
- sarcastic laughter
- sarcastic word
- sarcophagus
- sardonic
- sare
- saree
- sari
- saribakoly
- sarok
- sarotiny
- sarotro
- sartorian
- sarv
- sarvi
- sary
- sarı mis
- sarımsak
- sarımsaq
- sash
- sat
- satanism
- satchel
- sated
- satellite
- satellite bus station
- satellite sounding
- satellite town
- satiate
- satiation
- satire
- satirical
- satirist
- satisfaction
- satisfactory
- satisfy
- satisfy mind
- sato
- satrap
- satroboninahitra
- saturate
- saturated air
- saturated flow
- saturation
- saturday
- saturn
- saturnine
- satyagraha
- satış
- sauce
- saucer
- saucy
- saule
- saulė
- saunter
- sausage
- sauterelle
- savage
- savageness
- savagery
- savannah
- savant
- savaş
- save
- save face
- save life
- save one's neck
- save oneself
- savily
- saving
- savings account
- savings bank
- savings certificate
- saviour
- savony
- savour
- savoury
- savunma
- saw
- sawdust
- sawmill
- sax
- say firmly
- saying
- saç
- sağırlık
- sb
- sborion
- scaffold
- scaffolding
- scala
- scalar
- scale
- scale of notation
- scale of pay
- scale of ration
- scallywag
- scalp
- scalpel
- scam
- scamp